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Food Prescriptions vs Pharmaceuticals

Food Prescriptions vs. Pharmaceuticals -

Is it time you thought more about food prescriptions vs. pharmaceuticals? Should you seek a doctor who is more concerned about your health rather than lining his/her own pockets?

How to Find Your Resting Heart Rate

How to Find Your Resting Heart Rate -

Once you find out what your resting heart rate is, you’ll have a better idea of your level of health. You’ll know where you stand and if you need to make adjustments to your lifestyle.

Exercise and Resting Heart Rate

Exercise and Resting Heart Rate -

If you want a healthy resting heart rate, there must be some exercise/training involved. As the research shows, endurance training is the best way to do that. You don’t have to train like an elite athlete. You need to be consistent at a moderate level spread throughout the week.

The Importance of Having a Healthy Resting Heart Rate

The Importance of Having a Healthy Resting Heart Rate -

Having a healthy resting heart rate is important. It’s your best chance of living a life free from disease. You can’t start too soon. I believe we’re going to see all types of morbidity skyrocket soon because our culture craves convenience. And convenience lends itself to inactivity.